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Crop Maintenance Technologies

Our crop maintenance technologies help you in many areas. Whether it is to control your production costs, increase productivity, optimize input placement, document your operations, reduce operator workload and accident risks, control herbicide resistance, reduce your environmental footprint, and much more. For your sprayer, spreading truck or other equipment, we have the solutions that will meet your company’s needs.

Automation and guidance

When it comes to applying pesticides and fertilizer or performing mechanical maintenance, our automation and guidance solutions give you precision and peace of mind by reducing the operator’s workload and the risk of error. What’s more, because work windows are often very tight, our solutions help you increase your productivity to optimize your opportunities. By strictly controlling the inputs you apply, you reduce over-application/under-application, ensure precise placement of your inputs, and obtain an optimal yield.

Input control

Our input control solutions ensure that you apply the target dose evenly regardless of your speed. In addition, combined with section control, they help you reduce overlap and skips. 

Control your costs, eliminate under- or over-application and reduce your environmental impact with our solutions. 

Maintenance technology


Camera guidance (AutoTrac™ Vision) allows you to come back to work in the field without damaging your crop. A camera is installed on your sprayer, cultivator or tractor and steers the equipment to optimize the pass.


A set of sensors (RowSense™) installed on the sprayer or cultivator determine the position of the plants to avoid damaging them during the pass. 

Mobile Weather

Mobile Weather technology monitors certain critical environmental constants (air temperature, wind speed/direction, relative humidity, and delta T) for you in real time as you apply your products. Having this information at your fingertips helps you make decisions quickly to optimize the effectiveness of your products and avoid drift. In addition, when combined with a compatible display, you can document this information for future viewing.

mobile weather

ExactApply™ : Every droplet counts

exact apply
  • ExactApply™ technology helps you optimize your spraying by independently controlling each of your nozzles. This ensures that you apply exactly the right dose and droplet size through a wide range of speeds. 
  • In addition, this technology helps you save money by eliminating over-application due to overlap. It also helps you optimize your yield potential. With turn compensation, the nozzles on the inside of the turn will have a lower flow rate and those on the outside will have a higher flow rate to avoid under/over application. 
  • The AutoSelect A/B feature allows you to automatically switch between two nozzles to maintain a good spray pattern and constant pressure. 
  • ExactApply™ also allows you to apply high doses, with an industry-exclusive rate of up to 468 L/ha at 24 km/h. 
  • For those who perform night work, LED lights allow you to monitor your spray pattern and react quickly if there’s a problem. 

Individual Nozzle Control Pro

  • Individual nozzle control 
  • Turn compensation while spraying with five nozzle turret sections 
  • 15-Hz single pulse-width modulation 
  • Combination of proven standard flow hardware with improved capability 
  • Compatible with product recirculation 
  • Available with alternate nozzle spacings (45.7 cm and 48.3 cm [18 in. and 19 in.]) 
  • Compatible with boom extensions 
Individual Nozzle Control Pro 3

Boomtrac™ Pro

This technology allows you to:

  • Maintain the desired height of the spray boom 
  • Increase application accuracy and efficiency 
  • Reduce drift and skips 
  • Reduce operator fatigue 
  • Lower the risk of boom damage, downtime and repair costs since the risk of contact with the ground is reduced
Boom trac

Boomtrac™ Pro 2

More accurate than its predecessor, Boomtrac Pro, Boomtrac Pro 2 offers up to 22% more spraying accuracy (results obtained in various conditions). In addition, the desired height is maintained 5x longer, which is a real advantage on sloping grounds. 

Load Command™

Save time when filling your sprayer with the Load Command™ system and spray more area per day. 

Other advantages: 

  • Fill a 4,550-litre (1,200-gal.) tank in three minutes and a 6,060-litre (1,600-gal.) tank in four minutes 
  • Once filled, the system disconnects the sprayer automatically so you can immediately start spraying again. 
load command

See & Spray™ Select

A true revolution in the world of spraying, See & Spray™ Select allows you to make targeted applications on bare ground. 

The benefits are invaluable for your business and the environment: 

  • Reduce herbicide use by up to 77%
  • Reduce your production costs 
  • Reduce your ecological footprint 
  • Achieve a high level of weed control 
  • Increase your ability to manage herbicide resistance 
  • Modify the application rate according to the size of the plant 


The CommandDrive™ all-wheel drive system maintains your selected speed at lower RPMs and increases it when you need more power. 

The CommandDrive™ system slows down wheels that are slipping and directs more flow to the other wheels to retain all-wheel drive. 

Command drive

Direct Injection

As solution tank mixes become more complex, operators need a better way to manage the various products they are mixing. The integrated direct-injection system provides an additional carrying capacity for raw chemicals and allows you to inject one, two and even three products directly into the boom. 

The direct injection system helps you: 

  • Save time by providing quicker product/solution changeovers 
  • Rinse the boom faster 
  • Reduce the risks associated with using multiple chemicals 

Solution Command System

The Solution Command System makes it quick and easy to activate loading functions. 

12 functions can be activated: 

  • Fill station light 
  • Agitation 
  • Master spray (on/off) 
  • Visual verification of nozzles Pump (on/off) 
  • Pump speed increase 
  • Pump speed decrease 
  • Target fill 
  • Eductor (on/off) 
  • Automated rinse cycle 
  • Fill push button 
command system

Pressure recirculation and product reclaim 

Spraying quality is critical. The pressure recirculation system ensures that the boom is always loaded, which means that your boom is ready to work at all times compared to a conventional system that requires you to open sections and add product to load the boom. 

This helps you: 

  • Save time and chemicals 
  • Reduce the potential for crop damage from chemical residue 
  • Have a consistent distribution from one end of the boom to the other 
  • Decrease nozzle blockages by increasing product agitation 
  • Keep the suspended product mix in the boom 
  • Benefit from an improved boom rinse 

HarvestLab™ Manure

HarvestLab™ Manure measures (over 4,000 measures/minute) nutrient levels in real time during liquid manure application. This data (N, NH4,P, K, Dry matter) is recorded for documentation purposes. 

In addition, when combined with a compatible John Deere tractor, the system will even be able to manage the tractor’s running speed to ensure the target rate of liquid manure is always applied. 

Advantages include: 

  • No negative impact on the consistency of liquid manure distribution from one end of the boom to the other 
  • Much faster response time 
  • Much more stable application control 
  • Only possible option with manure irrigation spreading systems 
harvest lab manure

360 Y-DROP®

Close to 75% of nitrogen is used after the V10 growth stage. The Y-Drop® system enables you to have a nitrogen reserve until late in the season. This will ensure that plants have everything they need to grow.

y drop

360 Undercover®

The 360 Undercover® system enables you to apply the mix under the plant’s foliage. By using this technology, you improve the effectiveness of certain pesticides. 

Performance Upgrade Kit – Sprayer

Want to enjoy the benefits of the latest technology but not ready to replace your self-propelled sprayer? Upgrade your equipment with the PUK! Upgrade packages are available for the following technology: 

  • ExactApply™ 
  • Individual Nozzle Control Pro 
  • Product recirculation and reclaim 
  • Direct injection 
  • BoomTrac™ Pro and BoomTrac™ Pro 2 
  • Load Command™ 
  • And more… 


Telematics includes the following technologies: 

  • Equipment usage information
  • Equipment health monitoring
  • Equipment optimization
  • Automatic data backup to the cloud
  • Remote connection
  • Information sharing between machines

Crop maintenance operations are critical. With our telematics solutions, you can control the quality of spraying, input application and mechanical tillage work. In addition, your sprayer or tractor will alert you of any problem so that you can intervene proactively to avoid downtime in the field and plan maintenance work. 

Your application data is essential to help you control the quality of the work done, compare the effectiveness of various products and much more. With our telematics systems, you are connected to your equipment and have quick and easy access to this information. 

In addition, when you choose to share this information with our support teams, we can help you optimize your tractor or sprayer. We will also track equipment alerts so that action can be taken proactively to minimize downtime and plan maintenance during less critical periods. 

Decision-making support

Spraying, fertilizer application and mechanical tillage serve to protect your yield potential. They often need to be executed quickly, at critical stages. They can be risky and potentially destroy your or your neighbour’s crop. 

Our tools help you make decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information and document your operations by providing evidence in the event of an audit. 

Operations and equipment optimization 

To get the full return on your investment, you need to optimize your equipment’s performance (tractor, sprayer, spreader and cultivator). This means making sure your equipment is properly maintained and adjusted to field conditions.  

Our tools help you analyze performance, schedule your maintenance, adjust equipment according to conditions and monitor performance and progress. 

JLD-Laguë Xpert Service

The JLD-Laguë Xpert Service is our team of 6 specialists dedicated specifically to precision agriculture, tasked with supporting you and ensuring that your precision agriculture tools are used to their full potential.

Learn more about precision agriculture and our Xpert Service today by contacting our Call Centre 24/7 at 1-877-4470-2583.

Xpert Service Programs